Join NSAC/Membership

Update 9 January 2025

Our waiting list is currently closed because we have reached our capacity. We will review this in March 2025. Please visit our website after this date to check the waiting list status. We will not be able to respond to individual requests about joining the waiting list before the date mentioned above.

New Junior members are offered a two-session free trial prior to joining the club

On confirmation that a new member wishes to join the club, there is a £25.00 joining fee, which includes a free training shirt for Junior members or a competition vest for Adults.

Each new member, and parents/guardians of children, are required to sign off that they read the club’s Welfare policies relating to Safeguarding and Codes of Conduct.

Membership categories and fees payable are outlined in the tabs below, together with the contact and sign up details:

  • Adult Membership & Fees
  • Junior Membership & Fees
  • Admin Matters

The club has a number of membership categories for adults that reflect whether their participation is either just representing the club at competitive events or training on a regular weekly basis.

There’s also an additional category for students in tertiary education at university or college after leaving school:

Adult: Registered Only:

  • Annual Fee: £39.00
  • Entitlement: includes payment of registration fee to England Athletics; does not include attendance at training sessions

    Adult: Student:
  • Annual Fee: £39.00
  • Entitlement: includes payment of registration fee to England Athletics, and attending training sessions as and when members wish in and around terms times

    Adult: Training Member:
  • Annual Fee: £95.00
  • Entitlement: includes payment of registration fee to England Athletics, and attending regular weekly training sessions

    Annual Fees are payable in advance by 15 January each year.

    To join the club as an Adult member, please complete our contact form here.

Junior membership fees are:

  • Annual Fees: £171.00
  • Quarterly Fees: £45.25 per quarter
  • Entitlement: attendandance at both Young Athlete training sessions (up to Y7/8), Track & Field training sessions (from Y7+) and Endurance training sessions (from Y8+) at either Clevedon and/or Priory School at open sessions.
  • Members may also be invited to attend ‘Invite Only’ sessions for Intermediate and Advanced sessions as advised by the coaching team

    Annual fees are payable by 15 January each year.

    Quarterly fees are payable:
  • pre July 2021 members: on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October
  • post June 2021 members: on the quarterly anniversary of their date of joining, which is defined as the third training session attended.

A couple of admin matters in relation to membership and fee payments.

Fee Payments:
All membership fees should be paid by bank transfer; the club requests those paying fees quarterly to set up a standing order. The club do not accept cash.
Those working behind the scenes for the club are volunteers, whose time availability is limited and prefer not to be chasing members for payment! It is a condition of membership that fees are paid in a timely manner.

Junior Membership Categories:
School years for the purpose of annual membership fees are based on the age of a child as at 1 September in the previous year. i.e. fees for the whole of 2024 are based upon the child’s age at 1 September 2023.

No Longer Training, Leaving the Club and Refunds:
If your child decides that they would like to leave the Club, we ask that written/email notification is given to the Lead Coach before the last session is attended.

You may also use our online contact form and select the ‘No Longer Training/Left the Club’ from the Reason for Contact dropdown menu.

Once the date of leaving has been confirmed we will require any outstanding fees are paid in full.

The Club is unable to cancel a standing order; it is your responsibility to ensure that this has been done. Fees paid after leaving will not be refunded.

Please note the club has a waiting list; if you are no longer training your place could be offered to someone else.

Continuous Absence from Training:
If you have not trained for four consecutive weeks, and we have not heard from you, we will assume you have decided to leave the club and your place will be forfeited.

Injuries and Illnesses:
In you are unable to attend training sessions due to illness and/or injury, we ask that you contact the respective lead coach and advise them accordingly. This helps coaches to plan and organise sessions.

We require membership fees to continue to be paid in the event of minor illnesses and injuries such as seasonal colds and sprains.

In the event of a serious illness and/or longer-term injury the club will consider a temporary suspension of membership fees until a return to training is possible.

Transfering Membership
The club appreciates that, from time to time, a member may wish to join another athletics club.

When a request to do so is received, the club will support your proposed transfer and approve a change in registration with England Athletics after any outstanding fees have been paid.

Membership Termination:
Should your child be asked to leave, you will forfeit their fees for the balance of that quarter.

Any subsequent quarters, if paid annually, will be refunded.

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