Policy created: November 2020 | Updated: March 2024
North Somerset Athletic Club is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone who is involved with the club – this includes the athletes, the coaches and coaching assistants, helpers, committee members, officials, parents, and supporters.
We recognise that sometimes events happen that causes concern, and a complaint may arise. This policy details how we will deal with any such complaints.
Step 1
All complaints regarding the misconduct of club members should be submitted in writing/email to the Club Secretary. Where the matter relates to the Club Secretary, submit the complaint to the Club Welfare Officer.
The content of a complaint will include specific details and evidence in relation to the infringement of Club Rules or any other offence or misconduct carried out during or in association with athletics activities which might reasonably be considered as bringing or having the potential to bring the Club into disrepute.
Step 2
Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Club Secretary shall, having taken, and subject to, such advice as he or she considers it prudent to take in the circumstances, write to the Member or Members concerned to inform them of the complaint and to invite them to comment in writing within fourteen days upon the relevant allegations.
Step 3
On completion of step 2, the Club Secretary will determine if the complaint has sufficient grounds and is capable of being pursued based on the evidence/statements provided and will dismiss any frivolous complaints at this stage.
If the matter is sufficiently evidenced a process will be pursued. The Club Secretary will appoint 3 club members to sit on the Disciplinary Panel, none of whom have had any direct interest or involvement in the matter.
Step 4
The Club Disciplinary Panel or Hearing will consider the matter on receipt of the initial complaint and formal responses from the member(s) involved.
The Club Disciplinary Panel will have the power to suspend temporarily from membership any Member accused of an offence or misconduct, pending further investigations or enquiries. This suspension shall be to facilitate the investigation and be without prejudice to the outcome of the investigation.
The Disciplinary Panel/Hearing will make such further enquiries as it thinks fit and will offer a reasonable opportunity to any Member concerned, who may be accompanied by a supporter, if so desired, to meet with it and answer the allegations and the Disciplinary Panel/Hearing will hear such witnesses as are reasonably produced.
The Disciplinary Panel/ Hearing will make such procedural provisions as necessary for the just and efficient disposal of the case.
If the Disciplinary Panel/Hearing is satisfied that an offence of misconduct has been committed by a member, then it may impose one or more of the following actions:
- note the offence or misconduct but take no further action
- formally warn the Member concerned as to future conduct
- suspend or disqualify the Member from club athletic competition, club coaching and/or administration and/or use of the Club’s premises for some definite or indefinite period
- recommend to the relevant governing body that the Member be disqualified from any involvement in athletics for some definite or indefinite period and/or
- terminate the membership or such other penalty as the Disciplinary Panel considers appropriate. All parties concerned will be provided with the
Disciplinary Panel’s/Hearing formal written outcome notification by hand or by recorded delivery within seven days of the decision.
Should the outcome wish to be appealed please see England Athletics full procedure on their website here.
For further information, please contact the club via email.